Iced Over
Afternoon Garden 22" x 30"
Blueberry Barrens 22x28" oil
Among The Lilies  20 x 20  Oil
Blowing in the Breeze 18x18KJ.jpg
Standing Guard 24" x 24"
Autumn Heat, 22 x 30"
Sunnyside  20 x 36  Oil
Hazy Day 24 x 24
Beyond the Sea 30 x 30 oil
Red, White and Yellow
Summer Glory 30 x 30
Beyond the Trees 24 x 40 oil
Lily Land 20" x 28"
Early Corn 20 x 28 oil
Fall Field of Flowers 40 x 40 oil
Meadow Early Fall 20 x 28 oil
Brick Path  18 x 22  Oil
Flowering Hillside 40 x 40 oil
Flowering Shores 32 x 48 oil
Meadow - Turning Colors 20 x 28 oil
Burst Of Spring   30 x 30  Oil
Blue Shadows   22 X 22   Oil
Rock Tide  18 X 18   Oil
Many Moods  24 x 24   Oil
Spring Calm  18 x 18   Oil
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